Digital Sketchbook Tour
A tour of digital sketches, completed in September, 2024.
The end of summer gave birth to many ups and downs at work, a new season of Rings of Power & touch of creative frustration.
After a steady six months of working on the Mindscapes collection, I could feel a subconscious itch for change. Typically as I work on a piece, I envision & plan for the next drawing, but the inspiration was drying up. Every new drawing I started was quickly abandoned. Whether the color palette was off, my ink was smudging, or the line thickness was inconsistent, each drawing would inevitably lose its way.
In elementary school, I took art lessons from a woman in Chapin, SC. She had a separate studio building in her backyard, full of every art supply you could ever imagine- or at least it felt that way to a young girl. I can remember the apples we studied, the shadow & light lessons, and the poinsettia we painted during Christmas. She had handmade windchimes, and potted plants in handmade vessels with human faces. Her art was everywhere, leaking into every aspect of her life. It was simultaneously overwhelming and invigorating.
When I feel stuck, I often go back to my comfort illustrations; subjects I was first exposed to by her. Fruits & botanicals, communicated with simple gestural line work. They can be messy and quick illustrations, but they bring back a sense of confidence in my instincts.